
At HEARTS children are encouraged to understand how science can be used to explain what is occurring, predict how things will behave and analyse causes. We want children to be inquisitive about the world around them and develop a sense of curiosity.

Within the Science curriculum, we facilitate opportunities for pupils to explore and test their own ideas.


In the science curriculum, topics are often revisited and developed through different key stages. This allows children to build upon their prior knowledge, develop their curiosity and embed essential knowledge into their long-term memory.

 In EYFS, every term includes at least one class investigation question which children explore in adult led sessions, developing their skills in suggesting ways to find answers, predicting what will happen, observing and explaining. There are also frequent opportunities for children to pose their own questions and explore ways to answer them.

In KS1, every lesson has an element of scientific enquiry developing one or more working scientifically skills. Children are given opportunity to observe and explore real items wherever possible and to pose and answer their own questions. Each unit also includes one full investigation where children apply their knowledge and a range of scientific skills. Review of previous knowledge and a specific focus on scientific vocabulary are features of all units.


In KS2, scientific enquiry skills are delivered systematically allowing them opportunities to observe, explore, investigate, research and communicate their ideas. Each unit has an opportunity for child-led enquiry, helping them to develop their understanding of scientific ideas and begin to make sense of science as a way of finding out about the world.

Science Curriculum Documents

Knowledge Progression Map

Knowledge Organisers

2022 / 2023 Year A

2023 / 2024 Year B

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